Andrew Mueller

Andrew Mueller

Construction sites are no place for soft hands, or soft speech. Most people don’t possess the skills or tools to be their own handymen. Over the years, the trades have become a lucrative career as less and less people know electricity, heating/cooling, and plumbing. It appears that there will always be a job market for those skilled with their hands.

Casey Heimer

Casey Heimer

When Coach Heimer steps onto the football field, the linebackers of Normal Community’s Varsity team know the rumors. Coach Heimer is one of the most fun and fiery coaches on the staff. Coach Heimer loves to strategize and compete. Coach Heimer is serious about teamwork and integrity.

Rachel Dalton

Rachel Dalton

There is not a specific moment Rachel can look back to and pinpoint the moment she came to know Jesus. Her faith was simply there, an ever present anchor that she could turn to from even her earliest days. She grew up in a Christian home, and as a little girl she thought she’d wind up on the mission field or as a teacher like her parents, and set out to work towards those goals.

Kristin Moore

Kristin Moore

If you asked anyone who knew Kristin 10 years ago what she would be doing today, there is no doubt that the answer would involve singing. She has a God-given gift when it comes to vocals, and from the moment she graduated high school and moved to Nashville to attend Belmont University, pursuing a career in the music industry was a no brainer.

Chase Simpsen

Chase Simpsen

There was never a time when Chase had to question what hard work looked like. Some of his earliest memories are of watching his dad and grandpa not only working, but enjoying it. That love of work was ingrained in him and is something he has carried through to his own career.