To Prepare You for this Experience


Get A Book

Even though we do not have any more paperback copies of The Joshua 24 experience, there are still 3 ways to get everything you need to fully experience Joshua 24.

1. Sign up for the Eastview daily devotionals in one of the following ways:

2. Access weekly video teachings and study guides at here.
3. You can also purchase The Joshua 24 experience book via Kindle, iBooks,

Thank you! Please let us know if you have any other questions:


Choose Your Tent

If you've been around for awhile, you know that we regularly do an "all-church" study. This Fall, we are doing something different, and we are really excited about it! Starting September 9, our entire church will go through The Joshua 24 Experience (J24E). To find out what tent experiences we have for you, please click the button below.


Attend Church All Six Weeks

September 9: "Remember"
Eastview Heritage display

September 16: "Choose"
Write an "As for me" statement and share it

September 23: "Repent"
Baptism Sunday

September 30: "Witness "
Witness Rock Celebration

October 7: "Legacy"
Night of Worship - October 12 @7pm

October 14: "Rest"
Visit for ways to rest well


Commit To Read 40 Day Devotions

Read and journal through the 40 day personal experience in the Joshua 24 book.