It’s time to MOVE our faith into action. The All In Series will help you, your small group, and your family define and start your specific mission toward loving McLean County (or whatever county you live in).
Week 5 Videos
Week 4 Videos
Week 3 Videos
Week 2 Videos
Week 1 Videos
Discipleship, Jesus teaches, is just like building a tower or going to war; one must consider the price before committing to the task. Perhaps no other disciple understood this better than the apostle and gospel writer, Matthew. In the book that bears his name, this former tax collector talks of treasure, money, value, riches and giving more than any other gospel writer. And thereby, he gives us a guide for counting the cost. In this five-week study, “COST” will help you discover the price for following Christ. Each week will guide us as we:
Consider the obstacle money and riches bring
Study Jesus’ teaching about our heart’s treasure
Talk about the value we place on the kingdom and following Jesus
Think about how we invest for the Master’s kingdom
View our resources as our best opportunity to worship our Lord
In the end, we will be challenged in many ways. Are you ready to count the cost?
Read the 35 daily devotionals
Join or Start a small group
Attend each Sunday service
The final words of Joshua have significant importance both for his time and for ours. In particular, there are six faith actions that move us toward authentic, Christ-following lives. The final chapter of Joshua encourages and challenges us to:
REMEMBER where we have been,
CHOOSE who we will serve,
REPENT from where we are going,
give WITNESS to what we believe,
celebrate our spiritual LEGACY,
and finally to learn how to truly REST.
The Joshua 24 Experience Study
Episode One: Remember
Joshua begins with a history lesson. He invites Israel to remember where they come from so they can remember what God has done. We are also invited to remember our story.
Episode Two: Choose
Life is filled with choices, but some choices matter more than others. Joshua challenges Israel to choose who they will serve. We are not exempt from that mandate.
Episode Three: Repent
Joshua challenges Israel to put away their idols and fully commit their hearts to God. In like fashion, we allow things to distract us from Jesus and are called to confess and rid ourselves of those distractions, idols, and sin.
Episode Four: Witness
Grandly and meticulously, Joshua gives testimony to the commitments he and his nation make to follow God. We must prayerfully consider what we truly believe and how we intend to live it out.
Episode Five: Legacy
Joshua left behind a spiritual legacy that impacted the entire nation of Israel. We are challenged to leave behind a spiritual legacy that matters to those around us.
Episode Six: Rest
Joshua ends in rest, and this is a picture of the rest that awaits us all in the end. In a culture that is sick with chronic busyness, we are called to rest as part of a regular rhythm of living.
Questions? We’re here to help! Contact Danielle at
Running Well
Join us as we walk through the book of Philippians.
What is Jesus Speaks?
Jesus has something to say to the churches of our day. Some of His words are encouraging, some are sharp rebukes, all of them are relevant and will cause us to pause. Jesus also has something to say to each of us. Join the conversation and listen to Jesus speaking to his church throughout history and now. In Revelation 2-3 Jesus’s words come to us like a two-edged sword, both encouraging and judging. Jesus calls us to hold fast in the face of compromise. Jesus is always inviting us in to something more. The question is are we listening? Jesus Speaks books are available for in-store purchase at the Eastview Bookstore for a REDUCED price.
Week 1: Ephesus
Though the church of Ephesus was known for their faithfulness, influential service, and defense of sound doctrine, they lost their first love for Jesus. If we are not careful, we can push aside our first love for Him and get caught up in the workings of our faith. Jesus invites us to fall in love with him again.
Week 2: Smyrna
The church in Smyrna faced many trials and tribulations yet they did not compromise. They stood strong. Jesus encouraged them to faithfully continue. As we face our own set of difficult situations and hard times, Jesus encourages us to fearlessly follow Him.
Week 3: Pergamum
The church in Pergamum allowed false teachings and cultural norms to infiltrate the church. The church is under attack today. If we are not careful, we can fall prey to similar cultural norms and teachings. Jesus encourages us to live holy in the midst of an unholy culture.
Week 4: Thyatira
The church in Thyatira struggled with holy living like Pergamum and also embraced false doctrine from within their own walls. That same struggle persists today in the church. Jesus challenges us not to compromise and to care deeply about His Word.
Week 5: Sardis
The church of Sardis became complacent, apathetic, relying upon it’s reputation and past works. They had fallen asleep on Jesus. We are tempted to do the same. If we are not careful we will become satisfied with the status quo. Jesus gives us a “wake up” call.
Week 6: Philadelphia
Like Smyrna, the church in Philadelphia did not compromise their faith. They kept the word with endurance and Jesus opened a door of great influence for them in their culture. Jesus encourages us to hold fast and influence the world around us.
Week 7: Laodicea
The church of Laodicea had a reputation for being lukewarm, having a lack of zeal. Even their city water wasn’t appealing. This tasteless faith led Jesus to want to “spit them out of his mouth.” A powerful rebuke. In like fashion, Jesus sternly calls us to be zealous for Him.
Some of us speak out in our workplaces. Others in our schools or neighborhoods. Our audiences may vary in size, but we are all called to witness to Christ in us. Pastor Mike Baker puts it like this: "Jesus himself has commissioned each of us to be a witness for his kingdom. And every believer has a faith testimony—a story of how Jesus has made all the difference—compelling us to be his representatives." This study is designed to be an encouragement and support as you identify and add your voice to the chorus.
Paired with the book that includes chapters by Mike Baker, daily devotions by J. K. Jones and a weekly group study guide by Jim Probst, you will have a complete curriculum ideal for a church-wide series. We live in an age of meaningless chatter. It's time what we became speakers of Truth. To find this study, please visit RightNow Media.
Living Like Christ in a Love Starved World
"We love because He first loved us" (1 John 4:19)
"Beloved, let us love one another" (1 John 4:7)
"By this all people will know you are my disciples" (John 13:35)
"But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you" (Matthew 5:44)
"Do not love the world or the things of the world" (1 John 2:15)
"Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends" (John 15:13)
These six magnificent Bible passages give shape to this special study focused on the ridiculous love of God. In Jesus Christ, our Savior, is the real life example of what this love looks like. The challenge in this study is to learn how to live like Christ in a loved-starved world. It is not only ridiculous, it is possible. To find this study, please visit RightNow Media.
Has it ever occurred to you that we've been invited to play an important role in the greatest story of all time? From creation to fall, from the fall to the rescue, and from the rescue to the restoration, God's story is being revealed. Each and every Christ-follower is empowered as a messenger, entrusted with the message of Christ's redeeming work in the world!
As we journey from the Old Testament prophets to the modern-day missionaries among us, we will consider what it means to live OPEN to God's work in us, through us, and for the world around us. This is an expansive topic that has been unfolding for thousands of years and will continue until Christ's glorious return. Our hope and prayer is that thousands will be encouraged and equipped to live:
- Open Lives- Your first and best witness to the life you live
- Open Arms- Connecting with those apart from Christ
- Open Witness- What is your story?
- Open To All- Knowing and sharing the story of the Savior
- Open Mouth- Timely Truth-Telling
- Open Doors- Praying for the Holy Spirit at work
May we be willing and eager participants in His story as it unfolds!
To find this study, please visit RightNow Media.
This small group study addresses the enormous topic of spiritual formation (how we grow in Christ) with a single metaphor and a working definition. Our hope is that the imagery of WALK will help us to convey what each of us experiences on this journey of faith. There are many helpful definitions of spiritual formation, but for these purposes we've chosen the following definition to serve as an outline for this small group study:
- God the Holy Spirit take the initiative
- Through various means
- In cooperation with our response
- Changes us to look like Jesus
- In order to serve others
- To the glory of God
May God richly bless you as you connect in community and WALK with Christ on this journey of faith!
To find this study, please visit RightNow Media.
Part 3 of the “Well” derives.
This 6 week study will help anyone tempted to coast in their relationship with Jesus, the church, and those around them. Through study Biblical profiles who finished well, you will be encouraged and challenged as a Christ Follower to keep running the race set before you.
What does a thriving relationship with Jesus
really look like?
In Part 1 of the “Well” series, this study helps you establish or re-establish healthy components of a relationship with Jesus. This study is helpful for anyone interested in Jesus.